Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Indecisive Me

Those of you who have followed this blog with avid - I might even go so far as to say intemperate - interest since its inception two weeks ago may be feeling (a) slightly short-changed, (b) deeply affronted, or (c) ethically and morally rudderless due to the infrequency of my posts.  To date, including the inaugural post below, the total number of entries amounts to . . . more or less . . . one.  Rest assured that your bemusement/contempt/psycho-social disorientation is wholly justified.

The fault lies not with me, but with the original premise behind the blog itself:  "A medievalist confronts the modern workplace."  By confining the blog purely to observations on my professional life, I've also thoughtlessly limited the scope of wisdom that I have to bestow upon an anxious public.  So rich is the field to be plowed, restricting the discussion to a single area seems increasingly unjust.

Clearly, this cannot stand.

Therefore, I have resolved to open up the discussion to include not only the weighty affairs of commerce and industry, but more domestic concerns as well.  Said another way, dear reader, you are to be treated to my observations on the culture of the modern workplace, communications, technology, visual arts, literature, and the pooping habits of small creatures (toddlers and dogs, mostly).  All this served up from the perspective of a person whose idea of practical knowledge up to this point included the major highlights of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215).  

It's a heady feast, sure, but all are welcome at my table.

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